Hello to you all and i know some of you don’t have enough time to go through my page so i keep getting messages asking my real name and where i’m from. so, i’m taking this opportunity to tell you my full name which is Josephine Osei. Bonsu and i come from Ghana which is in West Africa.

Before 2015 ends, let me say thanks to all my readers and followers who made 2015 very beautiful for me as a blogger. I pray that you will be blessed with a favourable and healthy year ahead.

I wish you all a

Jovial January

Fabulous February

Marvelous march

Awesome April

Meaningful May

Joyous June

Jubilant July

Amazing August

Successful September

Optimistic October

Nurturing November

Devine December

Have a Victorious Year and I hope i’m the first person to wish you all a happy 12 months of 2016. Please don’t forget to check out my new blog



I thank all my followers who has helped me till today which is exactly a year of blogging. I am humbled by your comments and your ideas. The biggest goes to wordpress for providing  wonderful platform for bloggers like myself. I’m taking this opportunity to let you know, I have a new blog called SIUQUXE MOVIES ( ) please check it out and leave your comments. Remember, stay true to yourself. Have a blissful weekend people. God bless you all.

Posted from WordPress for Android


You will raise money for the safe return of Alison and Jenny McGregor. If you raise enough money within fourteen days they will be released. If not, Jenny will be killed.’Alison and Jenny McGregor Aberdeen’s own mother-daughter singing sensation are through to the semifinals of TV smash-hit Britain’s Next Big Star. They’re in all the gossip magazines, they’ve got millions of YouTube hits, everyone loves them. But their reality-TV dream has turned into a real-life nightmare. The ransom demand appears in all the papers, on the TV, and the internet, telling the nation to dig deep if they want to keep Alison and Jenny alive. The media want action; the public displays of grief and anger are reaching fever-pitch. Time is running out, but DS Logan McRae and his colleagues have nothing to go on: the kidnappers haven’t left a single piece of forensic evidence. The investigation is going nowhere. It looks as if the price of fame just got a lot higher.



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